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March 31, 2023

Renters Insurance Myths

If you’re a renter, one of the most important things you need to have is adequate renters insurance. Yes, you need specific insurance to help protect your personal belongings and yourself in case of an incident at your rental property (e.g., apartment or condo). Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions surrounding renters insurance. Let’s dispel some […]
February 1, 2023

5 Tips For Keeping Sewer And Drain Lines Clear

The sewer lines and drains around your home move material and water from those locations out to your street or other sewer collection areas.  When these systems are working properly, the water moves quickly and without any risk. When they’re not, it can be a nightmare. 
January 2, 2023

Tips for Preventing Car Theft

Every year, thousands of cars are stolen by carjackers looking for a joyride, a getaway car or a quick sale to a chop shop. Most people think that thieves target mostly expensive sports cars, but in many cases, it’s common models that are selected because their interchangeable parts are harvested for profit. The best way […]
December 1, 2022

Thinking About an Electric Car? Insurance Considerations

Many people are considering the opportunities and benefits of electric cars. This type of vehicle runs with a battery. Some are hybrids that use both gasoline and batteries. However, both often provide valuable savings on gasoline and other costs.  Having the proper auto insurance is essential. Still, how does having an electric car change your […]
November 1, 2022

Water Heaters and Home Insurance

We take cars in for oil changes, we go to doctors for physicals and we winterize our homes and cars. But, when did you last check the health of your water heater? 
October 5, 2022

The Dangers of Riding a Motorcycle Under the Influence

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle riders are overrepresented in fatal crashes. Motorcycles are only three percent of the vehicles on the road but in 2012, they made up 15 percent of traffic fatalities. Over 25 percent of fatal motorcycle crashes in that year were due to a motorcyclist with a […]
September 1, 2022

Tips To Get the Best Value On Car Insurance

While a necessary expense, few people like paying money to auto insurance companies.   Make sure that you’re getting the most value from your car insurance policy by using these three tips. 
August 3, 2022

How Surety Bonds Can Save the Day

Construction projects are the backbone of any construction company. Tight deadlines, logistical issues and pressures to complete the project within scope and budget are always present. With the need for so much coordination, it’s easy for vendors and contractors to drop the ball when it comes to delivering your products and supplies as scheduled, which […]
July 5, 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Car Before Moving?

So you’ve decided to move to another state? There are a lot of big decisions ahead of you, one of which involves whether you should keep your car or sell your car. Either way, you’ve got some planning to do. Let’s look at some of the things involved with both choices. 
June 1, 2022

Owning a Home 101: Keeping It Safe

Buying a home is a rewarding endeavor. With each payment, you are one step closer to owning a large asset, free and clear. Fifteen or thirty years is a significant investment of your time to be paying off a debt, so it’s important that homeowners do everything they can to keep their homes safe and […]

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